

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

50 Hot JAMB Biology Key Points To Note

*50 Hot JAMB Biology Key Points To Note*

1. Possession of four limbs, countershading of coat
colour and development of long tails are adaptive
features for arboreal life.
2. Nitrobacter converts nitrites (from ammonia) to
nitrates. Azobacter is a nitrifying bacteria.
3. The number of offspring produced from a mitotic
division is Two.
4. Large vacuoles are absent in animal cells but
present in plant cell along with Chloroplast and cellulose cell wall while Chromosomes occur in
5. The energy released during cellular respiration is
stored in the form of Adenosine
Triphosphate (ATP)
6. At the end of mitosis, the number of cells
produced is four.
7. During inspiration, the diaphragm contracts
and flattens out simultaneously as the rib muscles
contract, causing the ribs to be raised.

8. Each kidney is connected with the bladder by a
9. The structural similarities in Paramecium and
Euglena are in the presence of anterior and
posterior ends.
10. The oxygen given off during photosynthesis is
gotten from Water.
11. The long necks and legs of the present day
giraffes were some of the basis of Lamarck’s Theory
of Evolution.

12. The pancreas secretes insulin a hormone which
controls excess sugar in the blood.
13. Anemometer is used for measuring wind speed.
14. Mitochondrion is the site for the production of
15. Dry weight is the mass of the weight of an
organism after all the water has been removed. It is
the most accurate measurement of organic masses
and weight.
16. Amoeba moves with pseudopodia otherwise
known as “false feet”.

17. Soil permeability refers to how easily water
passes through the soil.
18. The processes involved in water cycle are
Evaporation, Condensation and Precipitation.
19. Sahel savanna is in the drier regions to the
north of the Sudan savanna, in the north eastern
part of Nigeria.
20. The earthworm possesses a hydrostatic

21. The factors that produce character in living
organisms are Genes. Genes are character
producing in an organism.
22. Phytoplankton has the highest biomass in a
food chain
23. The hierarchy of organic evolution in plant:
Schizophyta, thalophyta, bryophyta, Pteridophyta
and Spermatophyta.
24. Gestation is period of time which a zygote
develop to the time of birth.
25. Binary fission is a mode of reproduction which
is common to both paramecium and amoeba.

26. The pancreas secretes hormone which controls
excess sugar in the blood.
27. Plasmodium needs supporting cellular
machinery to survive as it is not a free-living
28. In a food chain on land, green plant is the
29. Neurons that receive stimuli from receptors are
called sensory neurones.

30. The cerebrum controls voluntary movement
and interpretation.
31. When a person moves from a dark room into a
bright light, the pupils become smaller
32. Water makes up about 77.5% of the living
protoplasm in various living things.
33. Wildlife conservation is enhanced by
discouraging elimination of endangered species.
34. In humans, sex is determined by the difference
in the nature of X and Y chromosomes in the male.
35. The structure of the ear which is responsible for
balancing is the semicircular canals.

36. Chorion is the outer layer that surrounds both
the embryo and the yolk sack.
37. Which of these is not a type of fingerprint?
38. The opening and closing of the stomata is by
39. Hermaphrodite have both male and female
reproductive organs.
40. Flooding and earthquakes are part of abiotic
factors that control the human population.

41. Clay soil has the highest water-retaining
42. An organism that has been extensively used to
test the chromosome theory of heredity is
Drosophila Melanogaster.
43. The mitochondria is the reservoir for energy in
the cell.
44. Inbreeding involves the crossing of individuals
of the same species, especially over many
45. The phloem tissues transport manufactured
food from the leaves mainly to other parts of the
plant either for use or for storage.
46. Fossil records require the use of carbon dating
to prove that evolution has occurred.
47. Melanin is the pigment that gives skin, hair and
eyes their color. Melanin is produced by cells called
48. Tissue is a group of cells that are similarly
arranged together to perform a specific function.
49. The presence of four-chambered heart is a
characteristic feature of mammals.

50. Morphologicial variation refers to the
noticeable physical appearance of individuals o the
same species.
51. Retina is the part of the eye that is sensitive to
52. Population size varies due to factors like
natality, mortality, immigration, and emigration.
53. Nucleus controls all life activities of the cell.
54. Amoeba, Paramecium and Chlamydomonas are
at the cellular level of organization.
55. Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from
the anther to the stigma of a flower.



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